Epson TM-88V – Till Roll Replacement

All of our Salon Control systems use a Epson TM-T88V Thermal Printer (unless unusual circumstances). If you run out or running low on printer paper for this printer here is how to order some more. The size of the thermal roll that is needed for this model is:  80mm x […]

Discounting Gift Vouchers

With the latest Salon Control update (1.20.609.2) you can now apply discounts to gift vouchers or gift cards (same process applies for both). The purpose for discounting gift vouchers is if you wanted to run a promotion where a client can purchase a £20 gift voucher but receives a 50% […]

Client Not Receiving Booking Reminder SMS

So you have had a client come into your salon informing you that they did not receive a booking reminder text message two days before their appointment. In this article we will explain why this has happened and how to fix the issue. This will happen for the following reasons: […]

Cancellation List

Salon Control has a built in Cancellation List which can be used to easily used to keep track of cancellations and make sure your calendar stays booked up. To access the Cancellation List this can be done by Clicking on the desired date for example “Thursday 7th December” and then Click on […]

Daily Notes (Client Colour Notes)

With colour services you maybe well aware that you have to keep notes on the colours used on a clients hair along with any additional information regarding the client. On Salon Control you can easily store and maintain notes for clients. In this article we will show you how to […]

Setting Up Staff Commission

Within Salon Control you are able to set up a multitude of commissions options for your team members First go into Settings, Click this button on the side bar: Next you will need to go to the Team Member Maintenance screen Click the Team/Staff Members button under the Team Control section: […]

Client Source Type Maintenance

If you wish to add, remove or edit client sources that are selectable for client records you can do this on the Client Source Maintenance screen. Firstly Click the Settings button from the side navigation: In the Settings screen under the Client Control section Click the Client Source button: You […]

Occupation Maintenance

If you wish to add, remove or edit client occupations that are selectable for client records you can do this on the Occupation Maintenance screen. Firstly Click the Settings button from the side navigation: In the Settings screen under the Client Control section Click the Age Group button: You will […]

Age Group Maintenance

If you wish to add, remove or edit age groups that are selectable for client records you can do this on the Age Group Maintenance screen. Firstly Click the Settings button from the side navigation: In the Settings screen under the Client Control section Click the Age Group button: You will […]

Disable/Hide Client Records

If you need to disable or hide a clients record from the Client Maintenance screen this can be down in a couple easy steps, firstly Click on the  button and search for the client you wish to disable/hide, once you have found the client record Click the  button next to their name. […]