Client Source Type Maintenance

If you wish to add, remove or edit client sources that are selectable for client records you can do this on the Client Source Maintenance screen. Firstly Click the Settings button from the side navigation:

In the Settings screen under the Client Control section Click the Client Source button:

You will be taken to a screen which looks like the following:

From this screen you will be able to edit and delete any created client sources using the  and  buttons, if you wish to create a new client sources Click the  button or if you want to return to the previous screen Click the  button.

When the Add New Item button is Clicked Salon Control will display the following popup:

  • Client Source – In this box enter a client source for example online, recommended by friend, word of mouth

Once you have entered a new client source Click the  button to finish. You will now find your newly created client source in the dropdown list when selecting a Client Source on the bottom of the client record screen under the Marketing tab.

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